Sunday, January 19, 2014

Unspeakable Joy: part 2.

Cliffhanger right?
If you are reading this part, but haven't read part one of this blog, click below!
Unspeakable Joy: Part 

As I said in part one, I was starting to be filled with the lies of Satan and others who questioned and discouraged my happiness and laughter. Their comments were consuming me and it got to the point where I eventually started to listen. Satan was trying to convince me that conforming to my peers would be for the best. Although there was no way to avoid that negativity, Jesus showed me that there was a way to walk against in. It just took me a while to understand how.

First and most importantly I have learned that being joyful is normal and is a precious gift from him! I don't need to go on living as a person of negativity because that is exactly the lifestyle that the devil provokes. As soon as the Lord showed me what real joy was, I forgot about what other where saying to and about me. I finally understood why my peers didn't understand where my joy was coming from. You see I was happy and carefree in school because I had Jesus by my side every step of the way. I didn't have to worry about being popular or going to parties on the weekends. My identity was not found in my peers, nor in my achievements. I attended school with a joy that words could not express. The joy I have is not found in material things or others. It is found in the freedom that Christ so graciously offers to anyone who will submit themselves to his glory. 

Readers, Jesus showed me that my identity and joy is in Him. I took what the Bible says about joy, along with what the Holy Spirit had put on my heart and turned it into action. Did I stop laughing and smiling? No, I laughed and smiled more. Was I constantly complaining? No, I thanked Jesus for another day of living as a example. Friends, the Lord called me to walk the halls of Alta-Aurelia High School with unspeakable joy.

I now have an unexplainable peace and happiness because I know that my soul has not gone to waste. It has been filled with joy, laughter and energy because I know where my eternal existence is. I don't continue to live my life based off of what other people say. My heart is full because the God of Heaven and Earth has filled my spirit with contentment.

This is unspeakable joy. 

Joy in Jesus is knowing that your life is not for nothing. It is knowing that no matter how low you feel you can have confidence that Jesus will carry you. It is believing with your mind, body and soul that this life is not for your own purposes. Just like anything in life there will be bad days, I have them and so will you. But do not be disheartened, instead find joy in the smallest of things and take life day by day. Choose Joy.

"Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,  for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls." - 1 Peter 1:8-9

Photo Credit to Hayden Smith 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Unspeakable Joy: Part One.

I want to share something with you that I have found in the past 6 months. It's something that each and every person can receive and should want to have in their lives. This thing that I have found is with me everyday, sometimes loudly and sometimes softly. Often it swells within me whole being, and other times it is radiated to me through other people or events. This gift is something that is so valuable and precious that I never want to loose or misplace it. If I did my life would be in shambles. With this gift I am able to conquer everyday; without it I would be a very unhappy person.

This thing I have is Unspeakable Joy. 

Do you know this kind of joy? 
Let me tell you my story that God has been writing for a while, and now He wants me to share my pain and triumph with you. 

Life is not easy, and as I went through middle school and high school I was always very talkative, loud and full of laughter. I found the simplest of things to be absolutely hysterical. Most of the time I laughed alone or with my best friend Katie. We conquered middle & high school together, through laughter and friendship. I am forever grateful to have a best friend who laughed at and with me everyday. The Lord knew what he was doing when he gave me a best friend in the whole wide world that would be crazy, silly and fun with me! 

Although high school was full of laughing for me and Katie, not many other people would laugh or have joy the way we did. Each day I felt the negativity and wickedness of the world in my school, (which was well under 180 kids 9-12). A lot of the time when I found myself laughing or being happy, there was a negative comment or face telling me that it wasn't okay to be joyful. People would make comments about the way I laughed, often telling me to be quieter or to change the way I laughed all together. Some even called my laugh " inconsistent and fake." Katie and I were often told we were way too happy and very annoying. 

Though on the outside I didn't care what they said, Satan began to use those words and expressions to stir up some turmoil in my heart. I started asking myself "Am I really too happy?" or "should I cut my joy short or laugh less because people were annoyed with me?" These were the lies the devil began to overtake my thoughts with. For a while the answer to me seemed to be yes. I ultimately thought that maybe I should stop being joyful and submit to the negativity of high school. Although these thoughts were far from what God desired for me and my life, I chose to believe these lies. But not for long. 

Read next time to how God changed my heart and gave me Unspeakable Joy. 

In Christ, 
Taler Ray 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Act Justly, Love Mercy & Walk Humbly.

As the New Year rings in there are many resolutions being made. I came across this passage from Micah 6:8 and thought it very well suited how how I want to grow in my relationship with Christ and others this year.

"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
 And what does the Lord require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy

    and to walk humbly with your God."

Read those words again. 

This isn't some inspirational quote from Pinterest or the wise words of a philosopher. These are the words of the most holy and mighty Creator that we serve. When I heard and read this verse, it immediately resonated in my heart. I want to get better in these areas so here is one of my resolutions this year and my challenge to you! 

To Act Justly

Stand up for what is right, even when that means standing alone. Have a moral compass that is firmly grounded by the word of God. Speak honestly and be ready to live radically. 

To Love Mercy

Thank the Lord everyday for the Mercy he shows us, though none of us deserve it. Forgive those who are hardest to forgive; becoming less selfish and more selfless. 

To Walk Humbly with your God

Praise our heavenly father everyday for the gift of Salvation through Jesus. Give all the Glory to God in your accomplishments and failures. Submit to His timing and plans instead of controlling your own life, for it is not your own.

May Christ be our focus this year as we listen to what He plans for us in the year 2014.

Blessings in Christ,