Wednesday nights are one of my favorite nights of the week. I attend a bible study with girls from on and off campus, along with an awesome woman of God, Shannon. We spend our nights being filled up with the Bible, being challenged in our faith and growing together as women of God.
In a random conversation with the ladies, my lovely friend Heather decided to share an analogy about dating and finding the right guy with us. Let's call it, The Cake Theory. I decided to elaborate on this subject.

Having the right ingredients is the first step in the baking process and relates to us as women growing in Him. We each have qualities that we wish we could or hide or get rid of; on the contrary we also possess qualities and attributes that are strong, the ones that make our personalities distinct. In order for our ingredients to be correct, we need to ask the Lord to first search our hearts and reveal the things that we need to work on. No one is every finished growing, but I whole heartedly believe that there are certain qualities every woman should posses before entering into a Christ centered relationship. As we learn these qualities, there comes a point when the "ingredients" if you will, are at the right measurements.

To make a cake, all the ingredients must be combined to make a yummy batter. Just like batter, once we have worked on finding our identity in Christ we can begin to grow in our relationship with the Lord. Jesus gives us a fruitful spirits: love, joy, patience etc. Of course with anything it is going to be a continuous learning process. But the Holy Spirit helps us with the perfect ingredients. Let the Holy Spirit continue to mix in the perfect amount for your life.
"Put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
-Ephesians 4:22-24
Oven Time:
Putting the batter in the oven is one of the most exciting parts of the cake process. As the batter is in the oven, all of the separate ingredients that were mixed together, bake and form into one structure. It rises and becomes more firm. Just like a cake, our relationship with Christ is a constant uphill battle, but as we seek and know Him we will continue to be more firm in our faith. The awesome thing about a relationship with Jesus is there is always room for growth. As we grow in Him, different pieces of our personality and spirit develop and grow into something really beautiful.
When the cake is done baking, it needs time to set. We describe this as the waiting process. Although our cake is done, it needs to time to cool. This part is also the most difficult because it takes the most patience, and let's be honest: patience for a girl is often very difficult especially when it comes to finding prince charming. But with patience comes perseverance and with perseverance comes blessings.
My mom continues to encourage me by telling me that I will be glad that I waited for the right guy to come along. I have been learning that it is important to take this "cooling time" and spend it with Jesus. As I wait, I have started to understand that Jesus first captivated my heart and is waiting for the perfect time to give you a respectful and Godly man that his precious daughter deserves.

Frosting the cake.
There are many different flavors or types of frosting out there and we develop certain once that we prefer over others. This concept is the same when it comes to finding a Godly man. He should first and foremost love Jesus with all his heart and be the spiritual leader of the relationship. Only then will he be the best frosting for the cake. Once the cake is complete and the right frosting comes along you will have a beautiful Christ centered cake that lasts a lifetime!
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!"
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